Saturday 13 April 2013

Secure Your Microsoft Office Documents

Season's Greetings to you, how was the Christmas.
Today, I want to teach you how you can secure your Microsoft Office Documents. I have carefully written this tutorial, and made it as simple as possible. One thing i want you to bear in mind is that it is very easy to secure your document such that you can control access to your private/personal documents…Now, let’s move on


  • Open the Microsoft Document you wish to Secure with password.

  • Click on file, (AT THE TOP-LEFT SIDE)

  • THEN Click on info, then on protect document—

click on how you want to secure it

Choose how you want to secure your document. Maybe you want it to be read only or encrypt with password or restrict editing of the document as you desire.

In my next post, i will teach you how you can secure microsoft office 2007 documents

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